
Cross-spanned Canyon


Here I stand at the brink;
Chasm deeper than my sight.
He stands on the other side;
Perfect peace, eternal light.
I am separated from love
Far as the east is from the west.
There He stands, my only hope;
I have found none in all the rest.
He is what I've been searching for;
The one in whom trust I can place.
He wants to bring me to His side;
The love is shining from His face.
I look around, but find no way;
There is no path across the divide.
All the while, He stands there
With his arms open wide.
Despairing, giving up, I cry,
"Lord, there is nothing I can do!"
He smiles, and lovingly He says,
"I will make a way for you."
And then I see a cross appear
And hear Him say,
"Do you believe?"
The cross, it spans across the canyon
Separating Him
From me.

Trembling, I say, "Yes, I believe,"
And walk across the cross-spanned gulf.
Reaching the other side, I run;
I cannot reach Him fast enough.

"Thank you," I say over and over,
"Thank you so much for saving me."
He holds me tightly and whispers back,
"I am so glad that you believed."